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Designing Health Bars : Step Up Your Scratch Game

Scratchスクラッチ HPバーをつくる

Health Bar is essential for action games.
(Also called “Life bar” , “Health gauge”, etc.)

I’m sure kids will be happy if they can code this.

I’ll explain how to code it, step-by-step.
Don’t miss out.

Scratchスクラッチ HPバーイメージGIF

Designing Costumes

First, we will create a sprite with 11 costumes.

Click “Paint” , add new brank sprite
Designing Health Bars - Paint

Hover “Choose a Sprite ” , then click “Paint”

Zoom in on the painting view
Scratch(スクラッチ) ズームボタン
Zoom in button
when zoomed in

In this way, zoom in until you can see each square ( pixel )

Create a rectangle with yellow-green fill and a dark gray border

fill : yellow-green
border : dark gray

Then, draw a rectangle.

Create a 1 X 10 square box from the center,
5 squares to the right and 5 squares to the left.

Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバー最初の箱
Create a rectangle with black fill and no border

fill : black
border : no

Then, draw a rectangle so that it covers the rectangle you draw earlier.

Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバー箱2つ目
Duplicate the costume ( “costume1”)

Duplicate the costume you draw earlier.

Designing Health Bars - duplicate costume

Right mouse click and click “Duplicate”

Create a costume with FULL

Draw a rectangle with yellow-green fill and without a border.
Then, cover the rectangle you drew on Step3 and 4.

Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバーフルのコスチューム作成
creating a costume with FULL
Create costumes 6 to 9

Duplicate the FULL costume,
then shorten the width.
You can create costumes that indicate 60% remaining health ~ 90% remaining health.

Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバー9のコスチューム作成
creating a costume, “90%”
Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバー9~6完成イメージ

If you can create like this, you can go to the next step.

Create costumes 1 to 5 by changing the colors

You can make these in the same way except changing colors.

Finally, change the order of costumes

Change the order as follows,
1st the costume “10%”
2nd “20%”

10th “FULL”
11th “0%”

Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバー完成イメージ

If the costumes line up like above, you’ve succeeded.


I’d like to implement a program that :

  • display the health bar above or below other sprites.
  • even if the sprite moves around, the health bar move along the sprite.
Scratch(スクラッチ) HPバーの配置イメージ


Overall Structure

Sprites ( Cat )
  1. Update a list that indicate the position of the health bar
  2. Clone the health bar

repeat 1 and 2 forever

Health Bars
  1. When I start as a clone, set X and Y from the list updated by the sprite
  2. Switch costume along with the remaining health

Display and delete itself on each ticks


make a list “Position”

make a list “Position”

set 3 values in the list

what to set in the list


X of the health bar


Y of the health bar


Costume No. of the health bar

Code of the sprite

What you code on the sprite ( cat ) are follows;

  1. Update a list that indicate the position of the health bar
  2. Clone the health bar

Update the list

1st of the list

set X of the health bar

I want the X of the HP bar to be the same as the cat, so
Set the blue block (X position) to the list.

2nd of the list

set Y of the health bar

I want the Y position of the HP bar to be a little farther away than the cat’s position.
If you want it to be above the cat’s head, → set Y position of the cat + about 60 (please adjust according to your preference)
If you want it to be below cat’s feet, → set Y position of the cat – about 60 (please adjust to your preference)

3rd of the list

set HP bar costume number at Third on the list

Remember when you made a costume?
Costume number 1 is the costume when HP is 1
Costume number 2 is the costume when HP is 2

In this way, I made it so that the costume number and HP value correspond.


Cat’s code

To summarize the contents so far
The cat command is as shown below.


Make the code more generic

In the previous explanation, the costume number was specified by the current HP.

Some of you may have noticed,
That means when the game’s MAXHP is 5,
If you specify 5, even though it has not decreased by 1 yet,
The HP bar will be in the middle, not full.

Therefore, rewrite it as follows


Make a Block “Show HP Bar “

Based on what has been explained so far,
To be more versatile and usable in any game,
Organize it as a block definition as shown below.

cats code

Code of Health Bars

What you code on the health bar are follows;

  1. When I start as a clone, set X and Y from the list updated by the sprite
  2. Switch costume along with the remaining health

On the cat code, the HP bar is cloned, so
Triggered by being cloned,
I will write the process.

Now you can display the HP bar.

But it’s not finished yet

This is because cats are constantly creating new clones.
So, in the HP bar, if it is cloned and drawn,
You should remove this clone immediately.

Here it is!

Wait “0” seconds is a magic trick to draw correctly.

Entire Code


This concludes the explanation.
What did you think?
Please try using it in various games.

Scratchは、MITメディア・ラボのライフロング・キンダーガーテン・グループの協力により、Scratch財団が進めているプロジェクトです。https://scratch.mit.edu から自由に入手できます。


